Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 13 - The New Normal

     We've been home for less than a week and it's been a bit of a challenge defining our new normal.  I still find myself worrying, probably more than I should.  We've been told by doctors and nurses that we'll get used to it over time, but for now I continue to put stress on myself to keep him relaxed and take his mind off of any discomfort.  His 'roid outbursts are increasing as is his appetite.  We'll have to monitor his diet closely so as not spike his glucose levels during this one month period.
     Evan completed another round of chemo this morning.  Cristy took Evan to his clinical appointment early this morning to beat traffic while I stayed home with Nolan.  Today's doses included Vincristine and Methotrexate in addition to his daily doses of Dexamethasone.  Due to some stomach issues he continues to have they switched him from Zantac to Prilosec.  Cristy and I have tried to ease some of the punishment on his stomach by giving him food or drinks that naturally soothe, but it doesn't seem to have helped yet.  We'll see how the Prilosec does over the next few days.

Evan feeling a bit uneasy before the chemo begins.

     The doctors stated that his blood appears normal for this stage and that he'll hit his lowest platelet, hemoglobin and healthy white blood cell counts sometime next week.  As a precaution they went ahead and gave him another platelet transfusion after chemo to keep his lower limits within an acceptable level.  Because one of the chemo treatments targets the spinal fluid he had to be put back under today in order to draw fluid and administer the drug.

Sleeping off the anesthesia.

     Upon waking up the first thing he asked for, besides more sleep, was food.  I suspect that once he gets home and gets his tummy full he'll likely want to lay down for a long nap.  No further updates to report at this time.

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