Sunday, August 1, 2021

Day 1875 - No more clinic visits

     After a very long journey we've accomplished another milestone.  On Thursday July 22nd Evan had his final clinic visit with the oncology team at Aflac @ Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.  I'm excited to announce that his blood counts looked good and his immune system has not shown any signs of fatigue or irregularities since concluding chemo in August 2019. 

     It's been over five years of more chemo, needles, doctor visits, vomit bags, tears and laughs than I can possibly count.  Going forward Evan will now meet with the Survivor's Clinic team annually (roughly 6 months from now).  During this next visit we'll find out more about the long-term effects of his medications, what signs to look for and generally how to manage health challenges that we may encounter.

Nolan has been a rock throughout our journey

     With Evan's health journey reaching a more comfortable level we're going to send him and Nolan back to in-person schooling.  Like most parents I too am nervous about how his body will respond if it encounters COVID.  During the most recent visit Cristy asked the doctor about their professional input on what we should do.  The feedback was that Evan's immune system has shown no signs of relapse and that it should respond similar to any other child.  

     Going forward the family and I will continue to do what we can for the local pediatric cancer charities, make ourselves available to other cancer families and continue to advocate for donations and more federal funding for childhood cancer research.  We are very blessed and fortunate to be in the position we are.  I will never take that for granted.  My prayers go out to all children and their families who continue to fight and comfort for those who lost a warrior much earlier than expected.  

    Wrapping with a few of our older photos, along with some from the last few months since my last blog update.