It's been far too long since our last update, but here we are with our first post of 2018. This winter has been uncharacteristic for us. The colder than normal temps has caused Cristy and I to get creative to make sure the boys are getting the exercise they need.
Breaking out Guitar Hero for the first time in months. |
Evan's mobility has really improved quite significantly over the last couple of months. He's feeling more comfortable on his feet as evidenced by his willingness to run, jump and even rough-house with me and Nolan again. When the temps pick up I'd like to work with him on soccer again since it's a fun way for all of us to run and improve our stamina. I can't remember a time that his appetite has been better since before being diagnosed. Overall he appears to be progressing as expected.
The boys got to attend their first hockey game. |
Next week Evan has his monthly chemo appointment. I don't believe there are any big milestones other than to continue tracking his blood counts. He's had a couple of different colds over the last month or so, but fortunately his body has been able to defend itself. At the moment he looks and sounds like any other kid.
Since the new year we've had the chance to celebrate my father's swearing-in ceremony. Back in November he was re-elected as an at-large councilman of McDonough. He thought it would be really special to have all his grandchildren participate. The meeting lasted a little longer than we had hoped, but the boys manged to hold it together until the very end without vibrating off their seats.
As Evan continues to get stronger there are several exercises that we're encouraged to focus on; one of them is rock climbing. This past weekend we took the boys skating, played some laser tag, putt-putted and did some rock climbing. It was a fun weekend and I'm very pleased with how well Evan overcame his fears to climb to the top of one of the obstacles. Over the coming months I'm hoping Cristy and I can continue to find time to push the boys to their limits mentally and physically.
Nolan did great too! |
Evan reached the top of this wall. Probably 3 stories high. |
Not as much snow as last time, but still enough for some fun. |
Getting ready for Storytime at Barnes and Noble. |
Excited about laser tag. |
Getting better on skates...Evan is improving too. :) |